
Sunbeams has been bathed in prayer and needs to be upheld in prayer as we move forward in our mission to eradicate poverty in Kijjude. Would you be willing to pray for us? If you’d like to be part of our prayer team please sign up. You’ll receive regular opportunities to pray for current needs. Be on the front lines with us on your knees. (Col 1:9-14)

Come to Uganda!

Want to get out of your comfort zone experiencing deep transformation in your spiritual journey and be a blessing while being blessed? We are currently planning our next trip to Kijjude Village in Uganda and we’d love to have you join us! Come meet the people of Kijjude Village and see firsthand what we do and how we will continue to bring development and opportunities empowering the people of this village to thrive. Sign up here and we will be in touch to get you all the information you need to make an informed decision and start preparing for your trip.


While the people of Kijjude Village have amazing dreams, insight, wisdom and knowledge about what will make their village thrive; they are lacking financial resources. This is where we can collaborate together to transform a village by bringing the finances we have and empowering them to develop. Your donations don’t just build a school, a medical clinic, and businesses. Your resources also provide skills and jobs to people wanting to work. Your financial resources offer opportunities for Ugandans to provide for themselves, their families and future generations. Our plan to bless this village brings flourishing opportunities, development, employment, and healthy relationships. See your dollars transform lives as they dream and live for the glory of God. Every dollar donated to Sunbeams goes to the Village of Kijjude.

Volunteer with us!

We would be honored if you would share your gifts and talents with us to make our ministry stronger and more glorifying to God. It takes a village, and we want you to be a part of ours. Please contact Kelly at